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ICTMAS 2020 oral presentation of CCAM model (Erma Yulihastin)
Iinvited speaker Dr. Erma Yulihastin in 2nd ICTMAS
ICTMAS Oral Presentation | YA Nugroho, et. al. (OBS234)
2nd ICTMAS - Oral Presentation - Gita Ivana Suci Lestari Faski
ICTMAS 2021 - Oral Session
2nd ICTMAS - Oral Presentation - Agita Vivi Wijayanti
Oral Presentation ICTMAS Fadli Nauval
Cyclone Cook CCAM model Precip and Wind
ICTMAS 2021 - Oral Presentation
2nd ICTMAS Poster Presentation, Topic: Services - Rion Suaib Salman and Ayufitriya.
ICTMAS- Monthly Reservoir Inflow Prediction Based on ANN over Saguling Catchment Area
2nd ICTMAS - Poster - Andika Fauziah Hapsari